Philip Lyons



Philip Lyons (b. 1955, Devon, England) studied Fine Art (Painting) at Bristol in the 1970s where he developed an interest in colour theories. Philip moved to Cornwall in 1988, and has walked the Cornish coastline over the years, getting to know certain places well. These places have become important areas for painting and he returns to them frequently at all times of the year.
Philip paints still lives, interiors, table tops, shelves and windows where he lives. He also paints bowls, as the simple shape lends itself to being paired back. He is looking for firm structures to make strong compositions. His paintings often have a sense of stillness and quiet - that idea of a still point in a turning world. He prepares boards with coats of paint and gesso. This allows for the paintings to be sanded back, revealing unexpected colours and textures which become part of the creative process.

Wondering People: Philip Lyons

Index of Artists

Abhishek KhedekarAlexandra DuprezAli HewsonAndrew Pierce ScottAnna KoraAnyaa Dev LencznerBarney CurranBec KirbyBen Bradish-EllamesCaspar BaileyCharlotte SaltDea DomusDham SrifuengfungEbrahim Bahaa-EldinEd BurkesElena Bianca ZagariEmily KirbyEska MarshFlora WallaceGabriella RhodesGeorge MorganGiulio GhirardiGreg BeckerHannah AckroydHarry WadeHolly MillsIrvin PascalIsabelle CarrIsla JonesIsobel Plent Das GuptaJack SamelsJameela Stenheden Gordon-KingJessica TremaineJiahe ZhangJoe GambleJorge Suárez-KilziJoseph DilnotJoseph GoodyKasturi KiritharanKate CorneliusLavinia GallieLeggy GordonLottie HampsonMark ManziMary Macken AllenMathilde FelterMax FreundMikael SiiriläMiro Lovejoy TeplitzkyOleksandra MartsonOtis BleaseOwen DaviesPhilip LyonsRie KitagawaRose ShuckburghShaskia CuaspaSophie MerrellTim SalisburyTom CubittTor HarrisonYiwei XuYrhes

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