Isabelle Carr



Isabelle Carr (b. 1997, Dorset, England). Isabelle explores spatial relationships within the cultural landscape, documenting encounters where the weight, scale, and arrangement of entities playfully hinge on prepositions. Her compositions focus on the spaces above, below, around, and amidst, exaggerating a deliberate hiddenness within the work. By contrasting the solid stillness of paint with areas of transparency—suggestive of both organic and inorganic systems—Isabelle reveals the internal mechanics of the works’ construction. The work serves as a personal evaluation of the collection and categorisation of visual information, a process central to how we interact with the physical world. Through recurring dualities—lightness and heaviness, balance and imbalance, isolation and connection—Isabelle examines whether deeper meaning lies in presence or absence.

Wondering People: Isabelle Carr

Index of Artists

Abhishek KhedekarAlexandra DuprezAli HewsonAndrew Pierce ScottAnna KoraAnyaa Dev LencznerBarney CurranBec KirbyBen Bradish-EllamesCaspar BaileyCharlotte SaltDea DomusDham SrifuengfungEbrahim Bahaa-EldinEd BurkesElena Bianca ZagariEmily KirbyEska MarshFlora WallaceGabriella RhodesGeorge MorganGiulio GhirardiGreg BeckerHannah AckroydHarry WadeHolly MillsIrvin PascalIsabelle CarrIsla JonesIsobel Plent Das GuptaJack SamelsJameela Stenheden Gordon-KingJessica TremaineJiahe ZhangJoe GambleJorge Suárez-KilziJoseph DilnotJoseph GoodyKasturi KiritharanKate CorneliusLavinia GallieLeggy GordonLottie HampsonMark ManziMary Macken AllenMathilde FelterMax FreundMikael SiiriläMiro Lovejoy TeplitzkyOleksandra MartsonOtis BleaseOwen DaviesPhilip LyonsRie KitagawaRose ShuckburghShaskia CuaspaSophie MerrellTim SalisburyTom CubittTor HarrisonYiwei XuYrhes

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